Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Return of Even More ROCK SNIGLETS

Sniglet [n.]: a word that should be in the dictionary, but isn’t.

AIR GUITARDED [adj.]: Term used to describe anyone in an audience who plays air guitar along with the band.

“CAN YOU SMELL ME NOW? GOOD!” [exp.]: Expression used to describe any gutterpunk who begs change in between taking calls on his cell phone.

CELLDUMB [adj.]: Any person who tries to talk on their cell phone during a show, especially when standing right in front of the band or PA.

CELLPHISH [adj.]: One who talks on their cell phone during a Phish concert. May also apply to Galactic, moe, String Cheese Incident, Leftover Salmon, Grateful Dead, Widespread Panis and Lefthand Smoke fans.

CIGAPROP [n.]: The use of a cigarette by a musician to appear “cool” rather to actually smoke it as a means of satisfying his/her need for nicotine.

CONCERT CALL [n.]: The transmission of a live show via cell phone held up above the audience.

FAINTDOM [n.]: The saddening process during which a normal alternative rock band changes its sound to become “electroclash” in the hopes of being cool. Usually involves firing the drummer and buying a drum machine. [a.k.a. Electrificlashion, a.k.a. The Tastefaker].

GERIROCKTIC [adj.]: A branch of the rock scene containing old and aging people, namely ones who were in “hip” rock bands 10+ years ago.

GUITAR CENTRIFUSION [n.]: Used to describe the sound of any band made up of Guitar Center employees.

INCOGLAME-O [n.]: The adaptation of a look, attitude, musical style, etc. by a musician as a means of trying to fit in with the audience for that particular evening.

MACHISMO-SCOPE [n.]: When the guys in front of you at a show turns his back to the stage to scan the audience as a means of checking out the chicks in the crowd.

MESHROPOLITAN [n.]: Urban hipsters who wear mesh hats, most of them bought at Urban Outfitters.

NIGHT PAINGER [n.]: When the drummer in a band sing. [a.k.a. the Pill Collinsist].

OLYSBIANS [n.]: Term used to describe the scene of nouveau lesbians who can easily be confused for any member of Sleater-Kinney, Le Tigre, Bikini Kill or any Olympia, WA band.

OMAYAWN [n.]: The belief that Omaha, NE, and any music scene that could esxist there is of significance to the real world.

PEEWEE PHONE [n.]: The look of annoyance people get when they try to use their cell phones during a show, as if to say, “I AM TRYING TO USE THE PHONE!!”

PICKHEAD [n.]: Any guitarists who needs a pick holder on his mic stand to hold his guitar picks.

PREDESLEEPER [n.]: During a show, the band member that takes on the soporific task of explaining what his/her band’s next song is about as if anyone in the audience really cares.

SCRAPPER BAND [n.]: A musical group that has both a screamer and a rapper.

STATUTORY ROCK [n.]: The occurrence of autobiographical songs written by a songwriter about, his/her being a teenager when in fact he/she is in his/her 30’s.

SYNTHNOTIZE [v.]: To add a synthesizer to a band’s lineup as an attempt to convince the audience that the band is actually good.

TANDEMONIUM [n.]: The occurrence of “scene” or “genre” specific wardrobe[s] worn by an entire audience at a concert.

THREEPEAT [n.]: When rock stars have the same threesome multiple times.


diambil dari majalah Chunklet, the Overrated Issue Part One punya Arian. Terpikir untuk post di sini setelah melihat foto2 Modern Darlings yang diposting Bobby di multiply-nya.


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